Immigrate to The Land of Your Dreams Only with the Help of Immigration Lawyer Kissimmee, Florida
Many people from all over the world essentially want to immigrate to the USA because of the fact that it is not just the land of the ‘free and the brave, but apart from that, it is also a panacea for the economic woes of many individual souls from all over the world. As a matter of fact, this is a land where different people can easily not just practice but also enthusiastically celebrate their race, their culture, not to mention their religion, in an absolutely free as well as democratic environment. That is, without the impending fear of either discrimination or racism in any way. In a nutshell they want to immigrate to our shores because they want the unrestricted freedom to live the ubiquitous ‘American Dream”.
But here it is pertinent to note that there is a cravat attached, and that is the fact that there exists many hurdles between them and the accomplishment of their dreams. There is a lot of confusion as to how exactly the whole immigration process really works. As a matter of fact, there exists an agency that is known as the ‘the Immigration and Naturalization Act (or INA for short) and this is basically the main body of law that actively governs all current foreign immigration policies, processes and procedures as they exist in the USA today. And here, just about any Immigration Lawyer Kissimmee, Florida really worth his salt, will be able to give absolutely spot on and highly accurate working knowledge of the many different legal nuances, as well as variations regarding the entire framework of federal immigration laws,even as they exist in the USA, today. This is actually with regard to the different policies for various immigrants who materialize on our shores from all over the world, and definitely need a really good Immigration Lawyer Kissimmee, Florida, especially if they are desirous of setting in that state and city.
As per various federal policies regarding non US residents’ immigration to the USA, there is a certain point to be noted here. And that is the fact that the main agency created for this purpose (viz. the INA)provides for an annual limit for immigrants, which is to the tune of an estimated 675,000 permanent immigrants who are allowed to become permanent legal residents in the USA. They are not arbitrarily chosen but rather there are certain rules in place for both skilled as well as unskilled workers.
However, there do exist various issues and exceptions for some close knit family units specially nuclear families whose members may end up being separated from each other because of trans-national politics and policies. Here, the INA itself,provides the legal framework required for the reunification of such diverse family groups that are forced to live apart in spite of it not being their own fault at all. On humanitarian grounds alone, the INA tries to reunite them, as soon as is humanly possible. However, said reunification is still nevertheless subject to extremely stringent back ground checks in order to effectively make good and sure that there is no criminal or terrorist background whatsoever,of the individual being entrusted with a permanent residency permit.The security of the homeland is after all, of the utmost priority.
But once a permanent residency permit has been issued after being dully and lawful vetted, then it essentially allows any specific foreign national (who is now the holder of the coveted residency permit) to not just work but also to live both lawfully and permanently in all the states and territories that currently comprise the United States of America, as it exists today.
As a matter of fact, any and all lawful permanent residents (or LPRs as they are more colloquially known) are entirely eligible to apply for virtually all thejobs that are open to their American born counterparts. Here, the cravat includes only those jobs that are not actually restricted to U.S. citizens’ only. Such as highly sensitive jobs that involve the safety and security of the union. For instance, joining the NSA or national security agency as a code cracker or being part of the department of Homeland security or the central intelligence agency, amongst many other jobs of a sensitive nature. Furthermore, another point that should be pointed out here is that once a person has been awarded a certificate of permanent residency then said individuals can also remain in the United States of America, even if they are not actively employed by either the govt or the private sector, or if they have been laid off.
Moreover, the United States of America also admits a large number of non-citizens as well, year in year out, albeit on a temporary basis. Finally, both the President,as well as the US Congress determinea distinct andseparate number of individuals who have applied for refugee status because they are fleeing prosecution in their own native lands and countries. Here, the actual number of individuals allowed on this basis alone, tends to change from year to year. In fact, refugee status requirements are based on the various geo-political conditions (not just in the rest of the world but also political considerations at home as well) as they are prevalent at that point in time. That is, at the time of admission of their visa application, for refugee status.
Your friendly neighbourhood Immigration Lawyer Kissimmee, Florida will easily be able to help you by providing you and your extended family circle, the guidance you require to immigrate and subsequently start an entirely new life the United States of America,as per the principles mentioned below that apply to immigration here, per se. These include the following practices:
- The admittance to the US of those immigrants whose skills are deemed highly valuable to domestic industry and the U.S. economy in general
- The reunification of close families
- The promotion of heterogeneity and diversity all over the country
- The protection of refugees fleeing for their lives from their home countries
Your Immigration Lawyer Kissimmee, Floridawill also be able to help provide you with certainhighly basic information with specific regard to the core nitty gritties of the U.S. legal immigration laws and systems and how they change from time to time, as well as the impact of these changes to fresh immigration applications. Let us see how all these laws work to aid prospective immigrants.
- Family related Immigration procedures and policies
The reunification of the erstwhile family unit is widely recognized to be one of the single most important principles that are currently governing various immigration policies in the US. As a matter of fact, the family based immigration category basically allows (neutralized) U.S. citizens and LPRs to bring certain family members to the United States. Here a point to be noted is that virtually all family based immigrants that are admitted as permanent residents have to be either the immediate relatives of actual U.S. citizens or alternatively they can also apply through the ‘family preference system.’ Policies regarding these two systems may be described as follows:
- Immediate relatives’ category
It is imperative that any and all prospective immigrants that are currently labeled under the immediate relatives’ category must meet certain eligibility criteriaso that they are not disqualified. These criteria are actually standard with all of the immigrants that typically apply for a permanent residency permit under this header and category(of course, with the help of an Immigration Lawyer Kissimmee, Florida). Here, the principal applicants (that is the individual who wants to immigrate to the US) needs must meet certain highly specific criteria with reference to not just age but also bareminimum financial requirements too. Such immediate (sometimes nuclear family only) relatives include:
- The spouses (the husbands,the wives, or common law partners wherever applicable) of U.S. citizens;
- Any unmarried minor child (or children as the case may be) of a (dully neutralized) U.S. citizen(here the term child is taken to denote a person who is under 21 years of age at the time of submission of application) and lastly
- Theparents of any full-fledged U.S. citizen (Here the petitioneror applicant is the US citizen who is basically applying on behalf of his or her immediate parent or parents (as the case may be). Moreover, the applicant (son or daughter) should be at least 21 years old at the time of submission of application for his petition to be taken into consideration.
- The overall family preference system as it exists today
As any reasonably good Immigration Lawyer Kissimmee, Florida,will be able to tell you, there are already ahighly limited number ofvisas to the US, that are available every year,to prospective immigrants as per the ‘family preference system’. But here, it is important to understand that for this system to apply, it is imperative that theprospective immigrant/s must meet certain standardized eligibility criteria for their application to be earmarked as successful. This will not only include boththe principal petitioners’ age related requirements, but also his minimum financial solvency too. In this case the family preference system generally includes the following core criteria:
- Any adult (at least 21 years old or more) offspringof a (neutralized or otherwise) citizen of the United States of America (irrespective of the fact that said citizen is either married or unmarried) and also all those blood relatives such as the brothers and the sisters of a U.S. citizen. Here too the age of the petitioner has to be 21 one years of age if they are to apply for their blood relative siblings and parents. (adopted brothers and cousins including both first and second cousins are not deemed eligible for this purpose).
- Any spouse (that is the husband or the wife or common law partner; here it is pertinent to note that the law for all common law partners, tends to vary from state to state) and also the unmarried children (irrespective of the fact that they are minors or even adult) of a legal Permanent Resident
- Immigration figure calculations
In order to balance the overallnumber of fresh immigrants that have decided to immigrate to the US, and moreover, if their status is based on the acceptance of their applications with regard to family relationships only. Then, in this case the US government and specificallythe US congress,have successfully established a highly complex system of immigration for the express purpose of calculating the total available number of any and all ‘family only’, preference visas foranygiven year in particular. This number is basically determined by starting off with a single number that has been arbitrarily determined (based loosely on demographics of the country for that year). This generally comes to 480,000 (approx.) Subsequently, the total number of visas that have been given to immediate relatives during the preceding year are than subtracted from the originally mentioned figure of .420 million. Once that happens, than the figures of the sum total number of illegal aliens that have managed to enter the US and been subsequently“paroled” into the U.S.A during the preceding year, will also be also subtracted from the base figure. The final figure as your Immigration Lawyer Kissimmee, Florida, will inform you will be the actual figure of immigrants allowed in on the basis of family related visas, alone.
- Conclusion
In the light of the above, we can safely conclude that the people who are desirous of immigrating to the US and who want to reside in the city of Kissimmee in Florida state, can only do so with the help of a highly-qualifiedImmigration Lawyer Kissimmee, Florida.