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Hiring an Immigration Lawyer in Kissimmee

Meeting the right immigration lawyer in Kissimmee can be game-changing for both undocumented and documented immigrants. The more you learn about the role an immigration lawyer could play in your life, the better and easier it’ll get for you to find the perfect lawyer.

For any immigration needs you may have please call us at 407-910-4770 or email us at [email protected].

The Role of an Immigration Lawyer

An immigration lawyer is someone who works independently to help immigrants deal with a variety of issues relating to U.S citizenship, visa, green cards, and other legal immigration issues. The U.S immigration law is highly complex and sometimes difficult to comprehend, which is why hiring an immigration lawyer in Kissimmee is the best option for all the immigrants with issues. An immigration lawyer can save you time, money, and even reputation as they know the immigration process inside out.

Additionally, an immigration lawyer will know what delays could be expected and what legal issues might come in the way of approval. Most important of all, a professional attorney can help prevent an immigrant from deportation.

When immigrants are unable to comprehend the laws and requirements relating to immigration, they consult an immigration lawyer. There are various roles of an immigration lawyer in Kissimmee.

Here are some of the areas and cases in which an immigration lawyer can prove helpful:

  • Application Process

The application process for immigration visas can be quite difficult to comprehend as it involves complex paperwork and technicalities. A minor error or misinterpretation can have your application rejected. However, working with a skilled immigration attorney right from the start can help prevent an immigrant from facing such delays.

  • Application Approval

As discussed above, the application process is quite complex and time-consuming. So, an immigrant has to wait even longer for approval. Since skilled immigration lawyers in Kissimmee are very familiar with the process, they can help applicants get a response much quicker compared to those immigrants who work without any professional help.

  • Marriage Termination

Most immigrants think that marriage applications are easier to get approved. However, this is not reality. U.S laws are very strict, which is why the marriage application can also take a lot of time. An immigration lawyer in Kissimmee can help immigrants in proving that their marriage is not a fraud, especially in case of a divorce or death of a spouse.

  • Medical Records

There are certain specific medical conditions and diseases due to which a person may not be permissible to visit a foreign country such as polio, HIV, etc. Such diseases are harmful and can spread to others; therefore, the USCIS does not allow people to visit. An immigrant attorney responsibly files an immigrant’s medical records and tries hard to help him/her getting an approval depending upon their situation.

  • Deportation

At certain times, exclusion and deportation may mean that a person may be permanently banned from entering the United States. However, immigration lawyers always make sure that this doesn’t happen. By using their expertise, they present a reasonable case in front of the legal authorities to prevent their client (the immigrant) from being deported.

  • Individuals with a Criminal Record

Before working on the immigration process, immigration lawyers check whether or not an individual has been charged for a crime or felony. They check all the background history and previous records. If someone has a criminal record, the immigration lawyers try hard to get the charges removed by sorting it out in the legal court with USCIS (US Citizenship Immigration Services).

  • Employment Visa Problems

The process of applying for employment-based visas is usually complicated. An immigration attorney ensures that their client checks all the boxes for future immigrant employees.

  • Denied Applications

In case an applicant’s application gets rejected by the US immigration authorities, an immigration attorney will only be able to find its reason for rejection. They can also help those applicants re-apply in the future depending upon their situation.

Try hiring a credible and experienced immigration attorney for a seamless immigration process.

Reasons You Might Need an Immigration Lawyer in Kissimmee

Immigration lawyers usually represent both undocumented and documented immigrants. Here are a few reasons and cases where you might need assistance from an immigration lawyer:

  • When you are in the middle of deportation proceedings, you must never wait to consult an immigration lawyer as such cases are very complicated to handle alone.
  • When you run a business in the US, and you want to sponsor an employee for a green card. This will trigger the complex employment certification or visa process, which requires specific knowledge and meeting deadlines. An immigrant is needed to help lighten the burden.
  • When you are unable to figure out the right path for you. For example, you have found your dream job in the US, but you don’t know the legal process to apply for a green card or a visa, an immigration lawyer will be able to help you out.
  • When you are overwhelmed and confused by deadlines, the road to citizenship, and paperwork—since all of these things require an expert immigration lawyer for assistance.

Things to Consider Before Hiring an Immigration Lawyer

The first and the most important thing you must know is that you can always represent yourself legally as USCIS does not demand you to consult an immigration attorney. Many people opt to represent themselves in deportation/immigration cases. However, not all of them are successful as legal issues like immigration are very complex and hard to solve. So, if you mishandled your immigration case and the proceedings do not go well, you may face serious consequences such as deportation from the country.

Sometimes, people representing also mistakenly submit incomplete paperwork or incorrect documents. In such a case, an acceptable application could be rejected or delayed by months or years. Therefore, hiring an expert immigration lawyer is essential to save yourself from getting deported.

It takes an expert immigration lawyer to handle various possible legal issues that immigrants may face. Here some things to consider before hiring an immigration lawyer.

  • When you decide to hire an immigration lawyer, always remember to ask them about their experience and success ratio.
  • Ask your immigration lawyer whether they will be the only one handling your case or if someone else will do all the preparations. This is because paralegal or inexperienced lawyers often hire someone else for assistance. This might cause some issues for you, such as RFE’s (Request for More Evidence), which can be very costly.
  • Ask your lawyer if they are an expert in the type of green card or visa that you are looking to apply for. The lawyer must have experience in dealing with such type of cases; otherwise, you need to start looking for a new one as inexperienced lawyers may ruin the case completely.
  • Ask your immigration lawyer about the number of cases they handle. If your attorney is handling too many cases, the quality of the work will not be as good as you may have expected. The best lawyers always work on a small number of cases to provide their client with quality work.
  • Always check your case before your lawyer submits it to the authorities. This will give you a chance to look for any errors in your application.
  • You should never forget to ask your immigration lawyer for their bar number. Through bar numbers, you can easily find out if there are any disciplinary actions filed against the lawyers.
  • Always negotiate a complete money-back guarantee with your lawyer. If they believe in the success of your case, they will always give you money-back guarantee without hesitation.
  • Ask your lawyer to give you a flexible payment plan.
  • Always negotiate the price of possible RFE’s in advance so that you can prevent yourself from paying a hefty amount of charges.
  • Make sure that a lawyer you hire is actually a practicing lawyer and not a scam or a notary officer.  This is because notaries are responsible for notarizing the documents and providing consultation for paperwork but they are not licensed lawyers who can give the right legal advice.

How to Find the Right Immigration Lawyer?

Finding the perfect immigration lawyer is truly a blessing. You need someone honest, qualified, and experienced enough to help you with your complex issues. So, what’s the perfect way to get started? Well, it is nothing complicated. Just make some phone calls and schedule a few meetings. You will often find the right lawyer when you meet them. Also, it is very important to consult a local immigration attorney— someone who comprehends the legal system in your state.

It may take some time and effort to find the right immigration lawyer, however, the effort will pay off in the form of better results and less frustration.

For any immigration needs you may have please call us at 407-910-4770 or email us at [email protected].